So after spending many fabulous days in my hometown of San Diego, where the temperature didn't drop much below 78 degrees during the daytime the whole time I was there, imagine my shock upon returning to Japan at the beginning of January. It was a cold, blistery slap, I tell you! I came back last Wednesday afternoon, and the next morning I was greeted with a new and unexpected carpet of snow. That meant that I couldn't go anywhere until I hauled myself outside, pulled all the crrrrap out of my storage unit, and installed the snow tires on my car. Though this task is an undeniable pain in the ass, it sure makes me feel like a man. I mean, look at this rugged sight. Right after I installed the tires, all the snow promptly melted.
I had a great trip home. It was so wonderful to see my family and a few friends, and to just soak in the whole environment of being home. After being on my own here for going on six years, every time I come home I appreciate being there a little more. There is just nothing like it.
Now I've got about 7 months left until I plan to leave Japan. I'm not sure what's next. But for now, my goal is to make these 7 months the best yet, and to enjoy the friendships I've worked to develop. There are a lot of people here who have treated me beyond wonderfully, and I'm very lucky to have met them.
Anyway, life is good, hope everyone else is doing well. Nighty night.
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