Sunday, April 15, 2007

Goodbye, Kocho and Kyoto-sensei

After the school year ended last month, the Principal and Vice-Principal of the school both retired. All of the teachers gathered out front, the student band played the school song, each gave a speech, and we all clapped. After that, the principal got into his car and drove away, and the vice-principal, who lives next door to school, just sort of awkwardly walked around the corner, to applause. It was quite funny, actually.

Although I've only been here for a short time, I can tell just from talking to other teachers that these men were enormously respected and will be very missed. Most Japanese administrators are very tough and kind of autocratic, but from what I can tell these men were utterly without pretense and very understanding of the teachers' situation. When I talk to friends at other schools, I realize how lucky I have been to work at a place that is so harmonious, and I think these two guys have something to do with that. They will be missed.

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