Monday, March 19, 2007

Dispatch from Vietnam

Greetings Dear Readers,

This is Jay coming to you live from the streets of Saigon. We are finally here, and my, is it one crazy place. Half the city has no sidewalks, the traffic never stops, and drivers honk for pure sport. We just had a fabulous dinner of chicken soup and got fabulously ripped off for it. Luckily, it still only cost about $8 for the two of us, even with the ripoff. Should have been more like $2. Hahahaha, it's still a bargain basement blowout.

Our hotel is very very nice and is right in the heart of downtown. We are very lucky to have air conditioning, because it is in the 90s and very humid. I am predicting I will be continuously sticky until next Tuesday.

Our flights over were great. We flew China Airlines, the airline of Taiwan, and had a lovely time. They were the most multilingual flights I've ever been on. On the flight to Taiwan, announcements were in English, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and Taiwanese, and the stewerds and stewardesses would each address each customer in his or her language. They remembered. I think it was a little easy for me. Anyone can tell my Mandarin probably sucks. On the flight to Vietnam, they added Vietnamese also, for a grand total of 5 languages. Everytime they interrupted my movie to do an announcement, it was a very long affair.

That's about it for now. We are very tired and want to get some sleep for tomorrow. This city is a real shock to the senses so I want to be prepared. Goodnight till then!

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