Friday, January 18, 2008

What is wrong with the media?

Okay, folks, I just can't take it. I think it's time for a full-on boycott of 24-hour cable news networks. I just cannot stand the ridiculous questions they continue to ask the major presidential candidates. There are real, substantive questions to be asked, but they don't ask them most of the time. They try to stir up TV-friendly drama by ENDLESSLY asking, "Is this country ready for a black president? Is this country ready for a woman president? What's a white male to do running against these historic candidacies?" These questions could have been pertinent at one time, but they have been beaten into the ground. And the analysis of "electability" and the forecasts of each primary. They have been wrong so many times, yet they continue to make these predictions before the fact, a practice which is sure to influence what happens in those elections. Why don't they just shut the heck up and wait to see how the people voted? I don't know how the candidates endure the daily barrage of inanity thrown their way by the staff of the major television media outlets of this country. I think we were probably all a lot better off when we got our news at 6 pm from Walter Cronkite. There is no need for this constant and substanceless analysis. These people are influencing our democracy for the worst, I'm quite sure of it, and I don't think they have the integrity or the ability to handle that responsibility. I say Down with CNN, down with MSNBC, and down with FOX. Just go to the candidates' websites and read their position papers. That's all you need to know about their plans for this country. Or, if you don't have time for that, at least read a newspaper. They take a little more time to evaluate things in a more meaningful way.

Hillary Clinton:

Barack Obama:

John Edwards:

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